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Obedience Champion



Team member at the World Championship Obedience 2022

4th place at European Obedience Open Day1 2021

9th place at European Obedience Open Day2 2021

Team member at the World Championship Obedience 2019

2nd place Qualis for World Championship OB3 2019

Nominated for team member at World Obedience Championship  2018
3rd place Qualis for World Championship OB3 2018

1st place BCCCZ OB2 Championship 2017

1st place BCCCZ OB1 Championship 2016
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black and white female born 12.4.2015

weight: 16kg

height: 50cm


BH, OB-Z (311), OB1 (314)

OB2 (287.5), OB3  (293.5),   participation in the World Cup 2019

FH1, FH2 (90)



CEA, PRA, CAT:  negative (2016, 2019, 2023)

Glaucom: negative (2016, 2019, 2023)

DKK 1/1

DLK 0/0

OCD unaffected

carrier of Early Adult Onset Deafness (EAOD),

Sensor Neuropathy (SN)

clear / normal for all of the following:

Collie Eye Anomaly, CEA (NHEJ1)

Multiple Drug Sensitivity (MDR1)

Trapped Neutrophil Syndrome, TNS (VPS13B)

Goniodysgenesis and Glaucoma (OLFM3)

Primary Lens Luxation (ADAMTS17)

Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis 1, NCL 5 (CLN5 Border Collie Variant)

Myotonia Congenita (CLCN1 Exon 23)

Cobalamin Malabsorption, IGS (CUBN Exon 53)

Raine Syndrome (FAM20C)

Juvenile Epilepsy (LGI2)

Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (DIRAS1)

and another 180 genes tested with clear/normal results


breeder: Jana Vágnerová

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About Kirke


Kirke was an unplanned addition to my pack.  I didn't want another dog because Sheba was still young. But it all ended different way - I really liked Eco every time I have saw her.  After mating I litter in Želečský Hrádek kennel I had reserved female, but this girl is in Slovakia now because I have had convinced myself that it is not a good idea to have two dogs more or less the same age.  But at the end I had regretted not keeping this girl. I really liked those puppies. They had excellent temperamnent and nice body structure. Mrs  Vágnerová had reported a huge enthusiasm about her Iggy ... So requested to repeate this mating between Ree and Eco and I had prayed for female - and there was the only one. One for me :)



Kirke is the daughter of my awesome Ree. And she is whole daddy :) Her mother is  Eco Zelecsky Hradek who has, just  like Ree, passed the highest exam in FCI IPO regulations - IPO3. By mating those two dogs it was till now probably the only litter where both  parents had  this exam (update after some years - another one happened to be here in Reesheja:)).  And it shows, working with Kirke is real  pleasure! Eco is daughter of exellent female  Alma Otasláva, who also passed IPO3 and in the age of 11 was still unbelievable vital and was still doing great in protection training. Father of Eco was A3 Ch Faust Foxy Fox, IPO1, who was also a father of  Andromeda  Sub  Tilia owned by Dana Valešová - who is the legend of Czech Obedience scene.

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Observations from training


She is little rascal :) She is realy a quick learner,  has natural offering and thinking behavior by herself. You only need minimum of repetitions for teaching her some behavior.  Natural fetch, high will to please. She likes distant work and loves send away. Excellent scent work. I really like to work with her, she has the on-off button and at the same time she is really fast, willing and works only for work itself.

Tracking with girls♣
Kirke obedience training
Obrany 31.12. 2018


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