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Donation of data and blood samples
Join Dog Genetics Research!

We ask you to share information on your dog and donate a blood sample for our research. 

Potential research questions include:

  • coat and eye color

  • hip/elbow dysplasia (HD/ED)

  • osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD)

  • llumbosacral transitional vertebrae (LTV)

  • skeletal conformation including dentition and overbite/underbite

  • epilepsy

  • other traits, e.g. cancer or behavior


We are interested in:

  • purebred dogs from the breeds indicated in the list below

  • dogs of all ages, both healthy or affected with any condition

  • in case the health of your dog changes or new medical information becomes available (for example - dog is X-rayed, gets deaf or starts to have seizures), we will appreciate to receive any updates via this form (there is no need to send a blood sample again, if you have already sent it).


What we need:

  • information (collected via this form) and

    • a blood sample of your dog (5 ml of EDTA blood), or

    • a consent to use your dog's genetic data from Wisdom/MyDogDNA (without sending a blood sample).


Please support the research by filling the form shown below as accurately as possible.

Upon submitting this form, a PDF document will be generated. This PDF document will contain information and instructions on how to submit a blood sample of your dog. Please print this PDF and send it together with the sample. If new genetic tests can be developed with the help of you and your dog, we will send a genetic test result to the provided E-Mail address free of charge as a small token of our appreciation for your support.
The provided information will be used for research purposes and stored by the Institute of Genetics, University of Bern, Switzerland. The submitted information will be treated confidentially. In potential scientific publications, no information on owner-related data and no direct identifiers of dogs will be given (names of dogs, registry numbers, chip numbers). Information that might be shared in potential publications include the submitted photos of dogs, genotypes and health data without the name of the dog. Donated data and blood samples will become property of the University of Bern.

*Mandatory fields are marked in red, but we would be grateful for as much information and photos as possible

Scan of pedigree
Front photo

Please use a photo where the eye color is visible

Left side

Photo from each side

Rigt side


It would be helpful if you could fill in the details about how your dog was born and cared for when it was with the breeder.

Number of littermates (including your dog)

Birth - How was your dog born?

Did the mother receive antibiotics during delivery or during breastfeeding?

How many weeks did the mother care for your dog?

If your dog has been tested for hip/elbow dysplasia, OCD or spondylosis, please fill in the official result. The evaluation system is mostly FCI in Europe, OFA in the USA. If you don't know, leave blank.

X-ray pictures

If you have x-ray pictures, please upload them here

For the period of 2-10 months of the dog's age, enter the following data on feeding in % (in case of multiple food changes, always fill in the higher values), activity and the type of surface (floor at home or in the pen) on which the dog grew up.

Veterinary documets
EVCO cert.
Veterinary documents
Performed tests

If you would be willing to give more time, we would be happy for you to fill out the detailed information in the PDF here (and then upload it in the button next to it)


Choose how well the statement fits your dog. (In case your dog has neurological disorders or seizures, please fill in the following form for the time prior your dog got this condition.)

Outside the home and familiar surroundings, my dog is very friendly to strangers.

My dog is in tension all the time and has hard time to get relaxed.

Outside the home and familiar surroundings, my dog never hesitates or is unsure when meeting strangers.

Outside the home and familiar surroundings, my dog never hesitates or is unsure when meeting strange dogs.

My dog is in general more anxious type of dog.

When there is a loud sound - shooting, storm or fireworks, my dog is never unsure neither showing fear.

My dog has hard time when first exposured to an unfamiliar or unpleasant surfaces - metal grate stairs, heights, slippery surface

My dog is extremely ball/toy obsessed and carriers it in the mouth all the time.

My dog is not able to focus on a task in a distracting situation (e.g., loud or busy places, around other dogs)

My dog will be searching for a lost toy for a very long time before coming to ask for my help

If you would be willing to give more time, we would be happy for you to fill out the detailed information in the PDF here (and then upload it in the button next to it)


If there are missing fields in the list above for something you would like to fill in - please indicate it in the box below, and upload the necessary documents

Veterinary documents

If you wish to provide data using Wisdom/MyDogDNA test, please fill in your dog's sample ID. The "Sample ID" can be found in the upper right hand corner of the PDF Report, which can be downloaded from your dog's online MyDogDNA profile.

Uploading may take some time, please wait.

Please fill in all mandatory fields!

Questionnaire saved.

To send a blood sample:

Please download your PDF by clicking on the button below and send it with the sample. The PDF contains all the information about collecting and sending the sample.


To provide consent for the use of Wisdom/MyDogDNA data:

Please download your PDF by clicking the button below, sign and upload HERE



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