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brown tricolor male born 1.5.2021


weight: cca 17 kg

height: cca 56 cm




Exams: BH-VT, IGP1

CEA, PRA, CAT: negative (2021, 2023)

Glaucom: negative (2021, 2023)

DKK 0/0

DLK 0/0

OCD unaffected



carrier of Collie Eye Anomaly, CEA (NHEJ1),

clear / normal for all of the following:

Early Adult Onset Deafness (EAOD)

Multiple Drug Sensitivity (MDR1)

Trapped Neutrophil Syndrome, TNS (VPS13B)

Goniodysgenesis and Glaucoma (OLFM3)

Primary Lens Luxation (ADAMTS17)

Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis 1, NCL 5 (CLN5 Border Collie Variant)

Myotonia Congenita (CLCN1 Exon 23)

Cobalamin Malabsorption, IGS (CUBN Exon 53)

Raine Syndrome (FAM20C)

Juvenile Epilepsy (LGI2)

Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (DIRAS1)

and another 180 genes tested with clear/normal results





breeder: Jana Grešová


About Wade


​My long planned boy, I was looking forward to have him after all the females. I was also afraid that after Ree it would be very hard for me to have no expectations. The original plan was to mate Alfine with Yoda, however, due to CMKU regulations this didn't happen (the regulations changed two months later, so luckily I could use Yoda in the end), so I hurriedly went south to Italy instead of north to Sweden, which was quite fun and in this spirit our cohabitation with Wade continues.
We have fun with Wade both at home and at training. He is such a clown, he is nice to people and dogs - if they are nice to him, they don't touch his bowl or toy:)). He has never destroyed anything, respects other pack members and small puppies, travels easily, lives anywhere, doesn't react to gunshots and other loud noises, is also totally fine in city traffic. 



Wade's mother is my Alfine. Daddy is Moi, who comes from one of the most successful kennel of sport dogs - Tending. Moi was born in Finland, grew up in Spain and currently lives in Italy, which he has also represented twice at the World Obedience Championships. He also qualified for the finals at this year's World Championship in Denmark. Everybody is breathless when Moi is in the ring. In everyday life he is a social, sweet, non-conflicted and absolutely trouble-free dog. 

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Observations from training


It's going to take a long time for the little guy to grow up, but I have to say, I'm enjoying him very much. He has an excellent prey drive, full firm and calm bite. He switches great from excitement to decay and works with a clear head. Furthermore, he is very food driven, but works for cuddles too. Just like mom and grandpa, he is such a nerd but can take incredible pressure and long work. And not to write only positives - he is very stubborn - so I need to not pull on the leash when I want to lead him somewhere, because I can be sure that in this case he won't go anywhere. And it's the same with everything:)) 

Wade 10m 2nd real track
Wade 10m 2nd real track
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