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by Michal Houtke

Club Working Champion




Team member at the World Championship Obedience 2018

2nd place, Res. CACT at Qualifications at WCH OB3 2018
Team member at World Obedience Championship  2017 
2nd place, Res. CACT at National Obedience Championship 2017

Team member at World Obedience Championship  2016

2nd place, Res. CACT at National Obedience Championship
2nd place, Res. CACT at Qualifications at WCH OB3 2016
2nd place at National tracking Championship 2013
2nd place at Quali at National tracking Championship 2013

2nd place at National Championship IPO3 2013

1st place at Quali at National Championship IPO3 2013

3rd place at International border collie Championship in agility A1 2013

1st place at Club Championship IPO1 2012
IMG_9490 (1).jpg

black and white dog born 11.5.2010

carrier of tan and brown color


weight: 23 kg

height: 57 cm


CEA, PRA, CAT: negative  (2012, 2014, 2016, 2019)

Glaucom: negative  (2012, 2014, 2016, 2019)

DKK 0/0

DLK 0/0

OCD unaffected (unofficially)

CEA / CH  DNA carrier

TNS DNA normal

IGS normal


breeder: Milena Topinková

OB-Z, OB1, OB2, OB3

(participation in WC 2016, 2017, 2018)

LA1, LA2,

FPr1, FPr2,  FPr3 ,

ZVV1, ZVV2 ,


(limit for participation in VS IPO 2014, 2016, 2017 met)

About Pitrísk

Pitrísek is my life dog, the first race dog and at the same time the dream of the first border collie.  A brilliant dog on which I made a lot of mistakes. I still cease to marvel at his kindness and approach to life. Pítek is a dog who believes that the world belongs to him and everyone loves him. He does everything to the fullest, he is excited about everything.  


I have been choosing this boy for more than two years and I wanted a dog from a proven lines, rather working blood, larger height, nice exterior and with super character, drive, balanced nerves and harder character. In the original selection of the breed were also German and Belgian Shepherd Malinos.  The wait has paid off and I have even more in it than I could ever imagine.  


Besides, he's a great friend for life. It does not care about different environments, strange people or dogs. He has never fight with another dog, he is able to work even in the presence of a female in heat and he likes cuddle too:)


Ree comes from the Czech kennel Mintaka, which is focused on breeding working border collies, where at the same time they compete with their breeding bitches and breeding pairs are chosen wisely. I owe a lot to Milča Topinková for entrusting Ree to me. 

His mother was born in one of the most famous kennels in our country (at that time) - Black Chevers, where they also dompete in sports with their dogs at the highest level. I have been longing for a border collie from Black Chevers for a long time, because I like their dogs and the way they are bred. Ree's mother comes from a littler by an imported stud dog, mother's mother from a foreign mating .. 

Cory herself originally devoted herself to agility (LA2), later she also appeared in the field of trial (IHT1) and later, even in old age, she worked with sheep.

Ree's father is an absolutely amazing dog who lived in Germany. He came from a purely working line of dogs and he had many successes in several areas of sports and work (LA3, OB2, Trial 2). 

Pitrísek also has successful siblings - Herbie competed in Trial 2, Harley LA3 and IPO2, Holly LA2, Honey LA3 and half-siblings after his mother - Dag Valiant LA3, Brown Heribe Trial 3 and after his father - Lucky Shot Amazing Fleet OB3, World Cup participant and others. . :)

Observations from training

Ree is a very high drive dog, keen for work, a natural retriever.  With a shifted pain threshold  and a great interest in balls, dumbbells or sleeves reminds of the nature of a cross between a border collie and a malinoa :)  In sheep training, he proved to be a natural driver with a strong eye, he doesn't need to bite into sheep. 

He workes for toys (watch on hand), treats (watch on hand) and just verbal praise or cuddling (watch on nose :)) It is a dog of tougher nature, but with a great will to please. And especially such a good soul :)

Pitrísek agi
Pítek OB3 Dvůr
Ree training July 2015
Ree dancing in the forest
Ree windy tracking
Pitrísek druhé pasení
Ree first tracking in 2014


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