Dog Genetics Research sample donation
Instructions for the owner
- Print this PDF document
Make an appointment with your vet or qualified person who is allowed to take a blood sample
Consent declaration:
I agree that the data and the sample material of the above- mentioned animal may be used for scientific research projects. The data and leftover sample material will become property of the University of Bern.
City, Date: ______________________________________ Signature: _______________________
Send the sample in a jiffy bag at room temperature together with this document to:
Institute of Genetics
University of Bern
Bremgartenstrasse 109a
CH-3001 Bern
Declaration for international shipments
- content: HS-Code 0511.99.85
- exempt animal specimen for research, non-infectious
- UID/EORI DE4444 0643 7447 453
- VAT-No. University of Bern CHE-115.250.351
- value 1 €, 1 £ or 1 $
Instructions for the vet/qualified person taking the blood
- 5 ml EDTA blood (min 2 ml)
- labeled with the registration of the dog:
- Date of sampling/Entnahmedatum:
CMKU /BOC/16108/21
Send sample at ambient temperature together with this document.
Instructions for the lab
Complete the data in the appropriate file.
Enter the following details:
- Name of the dog:
- Registration number:
- Date of sample: see above
- Date of receipt:
- Entered by:
- leave all other fields blank
The blood sample is then aliquoted and frozen at -20°C.
Border Collie
Border Collie
CMKU /BOC/16108/21
Folgende Angaben registrieren
Probe in die entsprechende Datei eintragen.
Folgende Angaben registrieren:
- Name des Hundes:
- Zuchtbuchnummer:
- Entnahmedatum: siehe oben
- Eingangsdatum:
- eingetragen von:
- alle anderen Felder leer lassen
Anschliessend die Blutprobe aliquotieren und bei -20°C
Border Collie
Amber Dream Thorn Meadow
CMKU /BOC/16108/21