Podmínky pro uchovění
There are a few ways, how to get breeding licence. For each you need HD A or B, Eyes (PRA), DNA CEA per blood. Then:
1) marks from dog show plus körung, where you get
a) 1. class if: no missing teeth, correct bite, 2x excellent from dog show, HD A
b) 2. class if: 1-3 missing teeth, pincer bite, 2x very good from dog show, HD B
2) or when you do herding - herding test HWT (or Trial 1-3) plus ZTP
3) or when you do sport - proof of 3 x V in Agility A3 or Obedience OB3 within 12 months plus ZTP
The Breeding Fitness Test/Sp (ZTP/SP), under the aspect of the valid standard, is carried out by the Breeding Judges Committee (three-member panel) of the CfBrH. The admission may include restrictions and conditions. There is no right to be admitted to breeding. The pedigrees of ZTP offspring will be marked accordingly. (Triple licensing fees, appointments of the Breeding Judges Committee possibly twice a year).